gray flounder ne demek?
- Gri dil balığı
- Kül rengi, boz renk.
- Bu renkte olan.
Graduate, Realtors Institute A professional designation granted to a member of the National Association of Realtors who has successfully completed three courses covering Law, Finance and Principals of Real Estate.
Graduate, Realtors Institute A professional designation granted to a member of the National Association of Realtors who has successfully completed courses covering Law, Finance and Principles of Real Estate.
Graduate Realtor Institute.
Gas Research Institute.
Global Reporting Initiative GRI is an independent global institution which is developing a generally accepted framework for sustainability reporting You can read about the GRI here.
Global Reporting Initiative.
Georgus Rex Imperator.
gray fox
- Gri tilki
gray fur disease
- Gri kürk hastalığı
- Debelenmek, çırpınmak.
- Şaşırıp kalmak
- Bata çıka yürümek, bocalamak, boşuna çabalamak
- Dilbalığı, dere pisisi, yan yüzen birkaç çeşit balık
- Debelenme, çabalama.
- Çamura veya suya bata çıka yürümek
- Güçlükler ve yanlışlıklar içinde sürüklenip gitmek, uğraşıp durmak