yukarıda belirtildiği üzere ne demek?
- As stated above.
- Kakım.
- İskambil kâğıtlarında birli.
- Bir işte başta gelen (kimse veya şey).
- Arsenik elementinin simgesi.
- (∆S) Entropi değişimi.
- Ermine.
- Stoat.
- Very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar.
- United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa.
- To the same degree ; 'they were equally beautiful'; 'birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly'; 'sang as sweetly as a nightingale'; 'he is every bit as mean as she is'.
yukarıda belirtildiği gibi
- As stated above.
- Üst tarafta olan.
- Above.
- Afore.
- Aloft.
- Hereinabove.
- Overhead.
- Supra.
- Upstairs.
- On high.
- Foregoing.
- Amacıyla
- Şartıyla.
- Neredeyse
- Gibi, bu yolda, bu biçimde.
- On the verge of.
- About to.
- On the brink of.
- On the point of.
- On condition of.
- According to.