slightly slower than allegro ne demek?
- Allegretto
- Allegrodan biraz daha ağır bir biçimde (çalınarak).
Movement in this time.
Quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro faster than allegro in a moderately quick tempo; 'play this more allegretto'.
Moderately fast, lively Faster than Andante, slower than allegro.
Little slower than allegro.
Fast and lively, but not as fast as allegro.
Just a 'little allegro', slower than allegro.
Rather fast tempo, somewhat slower than allegro but faster than moderato.
Moderately lively.
Little bit lively and fast.
- Çok az, hafiften
- Kuvvetsizce
- Hafifçe, belli belirsiz
slightly faster than andante
- Andantino
- Yavaş
- Ağır, eli ağır, geri, geri kalmış, geç, geç olan, geç anlayan, uzun süren, kesat, sıkıcı, hızı azaltan
- Den, dan, göre
- Bağlaç dan, e göre (karşılaştırmada kullanılır)
- Hariç, başka
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
slightlyslightly faster than andanteslightly fermented grape juiceslightly leavenedslightly leavened flat breadslightly solubleslightly strainedslightly tepidslightslight acquaintanceslight agitationslight breezeslight faultslowerslower than allegroslowedslowed downslowestslowslow and broad temposlow and sureslow assetsslow burnsloaneslobslobberslobber slabberslobber over