slightly faster than andante ne demek?
- Andantino
- Andanteden daha canlı, daha hızlı bir biçimde (çalınmak).
Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.
Moderately fast.
Slightly faster than andante.
Diminutive of andante, usually indicating not quite as slow as andante.
- Andantino, andanteden daha canlı
- Andantino.
- Çok az, hafiften
- Kuvvetsizce
- Hafifçe, belli belirsiz
slightly fermented grape juice
- Şıra
- Hızlan
- Hızlan!
- Den, dan, göre
- Bağlaç dan, e göre (karşılaştırmada kullanılır)
- Hariç, başka
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
slightlyslightly fermented grape juiceslightly leavenedslightly leavened flat breadslightly slower than allegroslightly solubleslightly strainedslightly tepidslightslight acquaintanceslight agitationslight breezeslight faultfasterfaster ıdentification numberfaster scanfaster than allegrofaster thenfaster videofastenfasten downfasten onfasten ontofasten seat beltsfastfast actingfast and thicklyfast asleepfast atom bombardment