allegretto ne demek?
- Allegrodan biraz daha ağır bir biçimde (çalınarak).
Movement in this time.
Quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro faster than allegro in a moderately quick tempo; 'play this more allegretto'.
Moderately fast, lively Faster than Andante, slower than allegro.
Little slower than allegro.
Fast and lively, but not as fast as allegro.
Just a 'little allegro', slower than allegro.
Rather fast tempo, somewhat slower than allegro but faster than moderato.
Moderately lively.
Little bit lively and fast.
Slightly slower than Allegro.
Quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro.
In a moderately quick tempo; 'play this more allegretto'.
Faster than allegro.
Quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro.
Slower than allegro.
Somewhat slower than allegro Moderately quick movement.
Light and cheerful Faster than moderato, slower than allegro.
- Allegretto.
- Allegretto
- Bir soyadı; Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652), enstrümantal ve koro müziği bestecisi
- Canlı, neşeli ve hızlı bir biçimde (çalınarak).
- Müzikte çabuk ve hareketli bir tempo işareti.
- (tûl.) Müzikte çabuk hareketler.Dgr.:allegro
- 1-Doğaçlama tiyatrosundaki müzikte çabuk hareketler. 2 - Müzikte çabuk ve hareketli hız simgesi.
An allegro movement; a quick, sprightly strain or piece.
Musical composition or passage performed quickly in a brisk lively manner a brisk and lively tempo fast in a quick and lively tempo; 'play this section allegro'.
Lively, brisk, rapid.
Lively, fast.
Quick and lively.
Brisk and lively tempo.