andantino ne demek?
- Andanteden daha canlı, daha hızlı bir biçimde (çalınmak).
Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.
Moderately fast.
Slightly faster than andante.
Diminutive of andante, usually indicating not quite as slow as andante.
- Andantino, andanteden daha canlı
- Andantino.
- Adagio ile andantino arası, yarı yavaş bir biçimde (çalınmak).
Movement or piece in andante time.
Moderately slow tempo moderately slow at a moderately slow temp; 'this passage must be played andante'.
Moderately slow.
Moderately slow tempo.
At a moderately slow temp; 'this passage must be played andante'.
Moving moderately slow, but distinct and flowing; quicker than larghetto, and slower than allegretto.
Moderate tempo.
Tempo marking meaning a walking pace.
andanteden daha canlı