same as brahma ne demek?
- Brahman
- Hint kastlarında ilk basamak.
- Bu basamaktan olan kimse.
- Hindistan'da alimler sınıfına mensup kimse
Person of the highest or sacerdotal caste among the Hindoos.
Any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant grayish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly for crossbreeding the highest of the four varnas: the priestly or sacerdotal category a member of the highest of the four Hindu varnas; 'originally all brahmans were priests' a member of a social and cultural elite ; 'a Boston Brahman'.
Godhead The Absolute, the Supreme Reality, the Ultimate Reality, Truth or the Self of the Vedanta Philosophy are also used interchangeably for Brahman; See Sat-Chit-Ananda.
The spiritual essence of the universe The spiritual essence of the universe.
The name given by Hindu teachers to the infinite divine reality from which all has emerged, and to which all will ultimately return.
The Absolute, Whole.
Same as Brahma.
same as banderole
- Bandrol
same as barmaid
- Tandem
- Kakım.
- İskambil kâğıtlarında birli.
- Bir işte başta gelen (kimse veya şey).
- Arsenik elementinin simgesi.
- (∆S) Entropi değişimi.
Very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar.
United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa.
To the same degree ; 'they were equally beautiful'; 'birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly'; 'sang as sweetly as a nightingale'; 'he is every bit as mean as she is'.
- İri yapılı, bacakları tüylü, paçalı bir tavuk ırkı.
There are two breeds, the dark or penciled, and the light; called also Brahmapootra.
The Creator; one of the three major deities in the later Hindu pantheon.
Creator god, with four heads to overlook each of the four directions Often just three heads, or only one, are shown Brahma is found both in Hindu and early Buddhist sculpture, eventually making his way to Japan as Bon-ten His vahana is a wild goose Descent of the Buddha , Relief from Aihole , Hoysaleshvara T , Halebid, Keshava T , Somnathpur , Linga , Sasbahu T , Tirumalai Nayaka Palace.
Absolute reality manifested as the active creator of the universe.
Is the lord of the cosmos.
The first god of the Vedic trinity, symbolizing the creative aspect of God.
Infinite Eternal Element that manifests as all things and beings; literally that which bursts forth in the form of the universe; that which gives rise to the universe, supports it, and reabsorbs it.
The Hindu creator god, one of the three chief manifestations of god in Hindu mythology along with Vishnu and Siva.
One of the three major deities of Hinduism, along with Visnu and Siva Adopted as one of the protective deities of Buddhism.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
same as banderolesame as barmaidsame as beadlesame as burnersame as 2d getsame as almesame as ameersame as apsesame as arracksamesame assamsam amcasam browne beltsam hillsam sound absorption materialasas ... as everas ... so a consequence ofas a countermeasure toas a cure foras a disabled veteranas a familyas a first impressionas a formalityaa 1a alfa lipoproteinemia b basımıa b c basımı