same as 2d get ne demek?
- Jet
- Çok hızlı, tepkili uçak.
Jet plane.
Same as 2d Get.
Variety of lignite, of a very compact texture and velvet black color, susceptible of a good polish, and often wrought into mourning jewelry, toys, buttons, etc.
Formerly called also black amber.
Shooting forth; a spouting; a spurt; a sudden rush or gush, as of water from a pipe, or of flame from an orifice; also, that which issues in a jet.
Drift; scope; range, as of an argument.
The sprue of a type, which is broken from it when the type is cold.
To strut; to walk with a lofty or haughty gait; to be insolent; to obtrude.
To jerk; to jolt; to be shaken.
same as alme
- Alma
same as ameer
- Amir
- Kakım.
- İskambil kâğıtlarında birli.
- Bir işte başta gelen (kimse veya şey).
- Arsenik elementinin simgesi.
- (∆S) Entropi değişimi.
Very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar.
United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa.
To the same degree ; 'they were equally beautiful'; 'birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly'; 'sang as sweetly as a nightingale'; 'he is every bit as mean as she is'.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
same as almesame as ameersame as apsesame as arracksame as banderolesamesame assame as barmaidsame as beadlesame as brahmasamsam amcasam browne beltsam hillsam sound absorption materialasas ... as everas ... so a consequence ofas a countermeasure toas a cure foras a disabled veteranas a familyas a first impressionas a formalityaa 1a alfa lipoproteinemia b basımıa b c basımı