moderately lively ne demek?
- Allegretto
- Allegrodan biraz daha ağır bir biçimde (çalınarak).
Movement in this time.
Quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro faster than allegro in a moderately quick tempo; 'play this more allegretto'.
Moderately fast, lively Faster than Andante, slower than allegro.
Little slower than allegro.
Fast and lively, but not as fast as allegro.
Just a 'little allegro', slower than allegro.
Rather fast tempo, somewhat slower than allegro but faster than moderato.
Moderately lively.
Little bit lively and fast.
moderately cold
- Yumuşak soğuk
moderately fast
- Andantino
- Oynak
- Canlı, neşeli
- Ferah
- Parlak, keskin
- Hayatla kaynaşan
- Zıplayan, geriye seken lively description canlı bir tarif
- Hayat dolu, enerjik
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
moderately coldmoderately fastmoderately fine powdermoderately oil resistantmoderately recommendedmoderatelymoderately slowmoderately slow tempomoderatemoderate breezemoderate correlation modelmoderate inflationmoderate itemmoderatmoderasyonlivelylively and flirtatious womanlively and unreservedlively dance tunelively hopelivelierliveliestlivelihoodlivelinesslivelonglivelive a dogs lifelive a double lifelive a healthy lifelive a lie