lav akıntısı ne demek?
Lava flow.
- Herhangi bir yere yanaşmış filikanın kürek çekmeksizin ilerlemesi için verilen buyruk.
The melted rock ejected by a volcano from its top or fissured sides.
It flows out in streams sometimes miles in length.
Rock that in its molten form issues from volcanos; lava is what magma is called when it reaches the surface.
General term for molten rock that is extruded onto the surface.
Magma which has reached the surface through a volcanic eruption The term is most commonly applied to streams of liquid rock that flow from a crater or fissure It also refers to cooled and solidified rock.
Molten rock extruded onto the Earth's surface, or the resultant solid rock.
Molten rock that is capable of flowing on the surface or in lava tubes See 'pahoehoe' and 'aa' for specific types.
Molten rock issuing from a volcano or volcanic vent.
Magma that comes to the Earth's surface through a volcano or fissure.
- Yanardağların püskürme sırasında yeryüzüne çıkardıkları, dünyanın derinliklerinden gelen kızgın, erimiş maddeler, püskürtü.
- Bk. AIDS virüsleri
- Fr. Yanardağların ve volkanların ağızlarından püskürüp soğuyunca donan madde.
- Ahlakı yaramaz kişi. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: la'v)
Leucoadenopathy Associated Virus, discovered by Luc Montagnier in France.
Light armored vehicle LCC land component commander.
Outdoor toilet.
Room equipped with toilet facilities.
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