la ne demek?
- Lantan elementinin simgesi.
- Gam dizisinde "sol" ile "si" arasındaki ses.
- Arapça'da kelimenin başında Nefy Edatı olarak kullanılır. Olumsuz anlam yükler. Örneğin: Lâ mekân: Mekansız
- Bu sesi gösteren nota işareti.
- Lantanyumun simgesi.
Syllable applied to the sixth tone of the scale in music in solmization.
The tone A; so called among the French and Italians.
Look; see; behold; sometimes followed by you.
An exclamation of surprise; commonly followed by me; as, La me! the syllable naming the sixth note of a major or minor scale in solmization.
In solmization, the sixth degree of the major scale Also, the first degree of the relative minor scale, e g a is the sixth degree, or la, in the C major scale and the first degree of the a-minor scale.
Local Authority or council.
Local Authority.
In solmization, the sixth degree of the major scale Also, the first degree of the relative minor scale, e g a is the sixth degree, or la, in the C major scale and the first degree of the a-minor scale Lacrimoso - Tearful, mournful Lamento - Mournful, sad Langsam - Slow Largamente - Broadly Larghetto - Slower than largo Largo - Very slow Leading tone - The seventh degree of the major scale, so called because of its strong tendency to resolve upward to the tonic Ledger lines - Short lines placed above and below the staff for pitches beyond the range of the staff Legato - Smooth, connected Leggiero - Light; graceful Lento - Slow; slightly faster than largo, slower than adagio Liberamento - Freely Linear - Melodic; horizontal lines.
Chemical symbol for Lanthanum.
Low Angle British designation used to denote SP guns or directors Means that they are intended for use solely against surface targets.
Lead Agent The Uniformed Services individual responsible for supporting TRICARE contract administration in a specific region.
Latex agglutination.
Legislative Assistant.
Latin America.
Location Area.
Liquid Applique.
Arabic for No.
Local Authorities.
EO la.
White soft metallic element that tarnishes readily; occurs in rare earth minerals and is usually classified as a rare earth.
State in southern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.
The syllable naming the sixth note of a major or minor scale in solmization.
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
The portion of a receiving water's total maximum daily load that is attributed either to one of its existing or future nonpoint sources of pollution or to natural background sources.
Library Association.
In the Western do re mi system, the 6th note or swara, equivalent to da.
(Los Angeles) ] large seaport and city in California.
- Louisiana.
- ), (müz.) la notası, müzik gamında altıncı nota.
- [LA (Latin America) ] los angeles
- Atom numarası 57, atom ağırlığı 138,9, yoğunluğu 6,1 olan, beyaz, havada çabuk oksitlenen, parlak bir alevle yanan, seyrek bulunur bir element (simgesi La).
- Sembolü La, atom numarası 57, atom kütlesi 138,91 g olan, nadir toprak elementleri gurubunun yeryüzü kabuğunda en çok bulunan ikinci elementidir.
Lanthanum, Fr. lanthanum.
la akall
- en azından; daha aşağı olmaz
la antigens
- La antijenleri