judgement sample ne demek?
- Yargısal örneklem
- Yargı ile ilgili.
- Kazâî. ~erginlik: kazâî rüşd.
judgement seat
- Hakim makamı
judgement by default
- Giyabi hüküm
- Model, mostra
- Denemek, tatmak, örneklemek
- Örnek, numune
- Örnek olarak denemek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
judgement seatjudgement by defaultjudgement dayjudgement feesjudgement proofjudgementjudgementaljudgemental samplingjudgejudge advocatejudge advocate generaljudge at the finishjudge by externalssamplesample and hold actionsample cardsample checksample copysample designsample distributionsample managersample momentsample of goodssampsampansamphiresampiyonsamsam amcasam browne beltsam hillsam sound absorption material