crushed sesame seed paste ne demek?
- Tahini
- Tahin rengi.
- Bu renkte olan.
Thick Middle Eastern paste made from ground sesame seeds.
Light creamy paste made of toasted sesame seeds and sesame oil -- almost like peanut butter Used in many Middle Eastern dishes, it can be found in Middle Eastern delicatessens or larger supermarkets.
Sesame seed paste used in Middle Eastern cooking.
Paste made from sesame seeds common in Middle Eastern cooking.
Light creamy paste made of toasted sesame seeds and sesame oil - almost like peanut butter Used in many Middle Eastern dishes, it can be found in Middle Eastern delicatessens or larger supermarkets.
Thick paste made of ground sesame seed Popular in the Middle East in a number of specialties, including 'hummus' and 'babghanoush.
Rich and creamy, with a nutty flavor, tahini is made from hulled toasted sesame seeds Tahini enriches savory dishes, dressings, sauces, and desserts in the the cuisines of Mediterranean Africa and the Middle East Store refrigerated Available in natural food stores and well-stocked supermarkets.
Thick paste made from ground sesame seeds Tahini is used in Middle Eastern cooking to flavor dishes such as hummus and baba ghanoush.
crushed sesame seeds
- Tahin
- Sıkılmış, öğütülmüş, ezilmiş, ezik
- Susam, (bot.) Sesamum indicum
- Susam
- Tohum
- Çekirdek
- Asıl, kaynak, mebde, menşe
- Zürriyet, evlât
- Meni
- Ersuyu, sperma
- Istiridye tarlasına yerleştirilmeye elverişli istiridye yavruları
- Tohumluk
- Tohum ekmek
- Tohumu veya çekirdeği çıkarmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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