abu kabir forensic ne demek?
- Abu Kabir Adli Enstitüsü; İsrailâdeki büyük patoloji enstitüsü
- Şaşma ve korku bildiren bir söz.
- Nilüfer çiçeği.
Asian and Pacific States broadcasting Union.
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union.
An Arabic word for a holy man or saint from any religion that is used mostly by archaeologists Arabs of today use the word as a slang term to describe the head of a family or father of children Back to Abu reading.
abu bakr
- Ebu Bekir; (MS 573-634) Müslüman Muhammet peygamberin kayınbabası, Mekke'nin ilk halifesi
- Mezar, sin
- Büyük, ulu.
Late-fifteenth- and early-sixteenth-century Indian poet, was considered one of the great mystical poets in the tradition of Sufism.
Tomb sin.
An Indian mystic and poet , Kabir is revered by both Muslims and Hindus His poetry, beautiful and powerful, addresses God as both the all-pervading spirit in all and transcending all, and as the soul's eternal beloved known only by pure love One book of his work is The Kabir Book by Robert Bly We have it, and like it; but it has received mixed reviews by others.
Poet-saint of northern India, who lived in the 15th century A D aud who, in his devotional songs, dwelt on the essential oneness of the Godhead and the harmony between Hinduism and Islam.
- Mahkemeye ait, adli
- Mahkeme veya munazaraya ait, munazara kabilinden