ab ne demek?
- Su.
- Hayat suyu.
- Mec. Çok tatlı.
- Ölümsüzlük.
- Bk. Avrupa Birliği
- Lâtince ...den, ...dan anlamına gelen önek.
The eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar.
The muscles of the abdomen.
Abdominal muscle FA - a tone of the scale OM - a mantra.
Abbr Advisory Board.
Abbr Answer Back.
At Bats -- An official at-bat is the number of times a player went up to the plate to hit and did not walk, get hit by a pitch, sacrifice, or get interfered with by the catcher.
Air base.
Research method by which investigators systematically observe people while joining in their routine activities.
Prefix in many words of Latin origin.
It signifies from, away , separating, or departure, as in abduct, abstract, abscond.
See A-.
Two part compositional form with an A theme and a B theme; the binary form consists of two distinct, self-contained sections that share either a character or quality.
Two-part compositional form with an A theme and a B theme; the binary form consists of two distinct, self-contained sections that share either a character or quality.
Choreographic form in which the A part represents a phrase of specified length and the B part a different phrase of specified length The two A and B phrases are made to complement and enhance each other, but may deal with either two parts of the same theme or two different themes.
Ab ovo From the very beginning Stasinos, in the epic poem called the Little Iliad, does not rush in medias res, but begins with the eggs of Leda, from one of which Helen was born If Leda had not laid this egg, Helen would never have been born If Helen had not been born, Paris could not have eloped with her If Paris had not eloped with Helen, there would have been no Trojan War, etc.
Aid to the Blind See Public Assistance.
Allowed Benefit.
Signal from a receiving device that indicates that it is ready to receive data.
The highest socio-economic classification group.
Ex , from , as from , as of , it.
Stout coarse.
The fifth month of the Jewish year according to the ecclesiastical reckoning, the eleventh by the civil computation, coinciding nearly with August.
The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens the eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar.
The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens.
Bachelor's degree in arts and sciences.
- Bachelor of Arts üniversite diploması
- Temmuz ortasında başlayan Musevî takvimindeki ay.
- Önek -den, uzağa: abjure yeminle vazgeçmek
- Abdicate feragat etmek.
avrupa birliği
European union
ab türkiye gümrük işbirliği komitesi
- AB -Türkiye Ortaklık Konseyi kararıyla kurulan, Ankara Anlaşması ve eklerinin gümrükle ilgili hükümlerinin yerinde ve doğru bir biçimde uygulanmasını ve taraflar arasında idari işbirliğini gerçekleştirmek üzere görevlendirilen teknik kurul.
Customs Cooperation Committee.
ab agendo
- Hukuken ehliyeti bulunmayan
- Ehliyetsiz, yeterliği olmayan