when does it hurt ne demek?
- Ne zaman acıtyor
- Neden.
- Neon elementinin simgesi.
- Türk alfabesinin on yedinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
- Hangi şey
- Soru biçiminde şaşma bildiren ünlem.
- Her şey.
- Birçok şey.
- Hangi
- Nasıl.
- Şaşma veya abartı bildiren bir söz.
when does boarding begin
- Uçağa ne zaman bineceğiz
when does the game begin
- Oyun kaçta başlayacak
- Yapmak, etmek; tamamlamak, meydana getirmek; neden olmak; düzenlemek, temizlemek; rolünü üstlenmek; ilgilenmek; uymak; ayağını kaydırmak; dolandırmak (Argo)
- Do'nın 3'üncü tekil şahsı.
- Köpek
- Değersiz, terbiyesiz kimse
Information Technology.
Information Technology Former name of Information and Educational Technology.
Information Technology - see ICT.
Instructional Technology or Information Technology; ITC workshops that focus on networking and hardware mechanics.
Short for Information Technology, it is concerned with all aspects of managing and processing information.
Information Technology Sometimes used as a synonym for the computer professionals in an organization Also sometimes known as IS or DP.
Information Technology - a term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
when does boarding beginwhen does the game beginwhen does the match beginwhen does the next one departwhen does the race beginwhenwhen and where can we meetwhen can i have my clothes backwhen did it happenwhen did you feel badwhen do i have to bring the boat backwhen do you closewhen do you openwhen do you show the moviewhealwheastone bridgewheastone köprüsüwheatwheat beerdoesdoes it burndoes it come with instructionsdoes it hurt when you chewdoes it hurt when you swallowdoes it need to be cookeddoes it ring a belldoes not applydoes not equaldoes not matter a farthingdoedoer