use as mark ne demek?
- Marka olarak kullanma
- Resim veya harfle yapılan işaret.
- Bilet, para yerine kullanılan metal veya başka şeyden parça.
- Bir ticari malı, herhangi bir nesneyi tanıtmaya, benzerinden ayırmaya yarayan özel isim veya işaret.
- Bir mal, hizmet ya da kurumu tanıtmaya ve benzerlerinden ayırmaya yarayan tescil edilmiş özel ad, kısaltma veya işaret.
- Bk. bellik
Identification mark.
use as registered mark
- Markanın kütükteki gibi kullanılması
use authority of state
- Devletin yararlanma yetkisi
- Kakım.
- İskambil kâğıtlarında birli.
- Bir işte başta gelen (kimse veya şey).
- Arsenik elementinin simgesi.
- (∆S) Entropi değişimi.
Very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar.
United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa.
To the same degree ; 'they were equally beautiful'; 'birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly'; 'sang as sweetly as a nightingale'; 'he is every bit as mean as she is'.
- Alman para birimi.
- Finlandiya para birimi, markka.
- İm
- İmlemek
- Damga vurmak
Number or letter indicating quality ; 'she made good marks in algebra'; 'grade A milk'; 'what was your score on your homework?'.
Distinguishing symbol; 'the owner's mark was on all the sheep'.
Reference point to shoot at; 'his arrow hit the mark'.
Visible indication made on a surface; 'some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks'; 'paw prints were everywhere'.
Symbol of disgrace or infamy; 'And the Lord set a mark upon Cain'--Genesis.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
use as registered markuse authority of stateuse bad languageuse compulsory of marksuse drugsuseuse forceuse headlightsuse in futureuse in the commerceusus dışıus dışı tiyatrous dışıcılıkus doğrularıasas ... as everas ... so a consequence ofas a countermeasure toas a cure foras a disabled veteranas a familyas a first impressionas a formalityaa 1a alfa lipoproteinemia b basımıa b c basımı