mark ne demek?
- İşaretlemek
- İşaret, marka, alamet
- Çizmek, yazmak, işaret etmek
- Damga vurmak
- Damga
- Alman para birimi.
- Eskiden bir gümüş veya altın tartısı.
- İm
- Göstermek, meydana koymak
- Hatırda tutmak, mimlemek, dikkat etmek
- İmlemek
- Finlandiya para birimi, markka.
Number or letter indicating quality ; 'she made good marks in algebra'; 'grade A milk'; 'what was your score on your homework?'.
Distinguishing symbol; 'the owner's mark was on all the sheep'.
Reference point to shoot at; 'his arrow hit the mark'.
Visible indication made on a surface; 'some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks'; 'paw prints were everywhere'.
Symbol of disgrace or infamy; 'And the Lord set a mark upon Cain'--Genesis.
Formerly the basic unit of money in Germany.
Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel.
Person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of.
Written or printed symbol ; 'his answer was just a punctuation mark'.
Perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent ; 'he showed signs of strain'; 'they welcomed the signs of spring'.
The shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament.
An indication of damage.
Marking consisting of crossing lines.
Something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal; 'the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer'; 'scored a bull's eye'; 'hit the mark'; 'the president's speech was a home run'.
Attach a tag or label to; 'label these bottles'.
Designate as if by a mark; 'This sign marks the border'; 'He indicated where the border ended'.
Be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; 'His modesty distinguishes him form his peers'.
Mark by some ceremony or observation; 'We marked the anniversary of his death'.
Make or leave a mark on; 'mark the trail so that we can find our way back'.
Notice or perceive; 'She noted that someone was following her'; 'mark my words'.
Mark with a scar; 'The skin disease scarred his face permanently'.
Make small marks into the surface of; 'score the clay before firing it'.
Establish as the highest level or best performance; 'set a record'.
Make underscoring marks.
Remove from a list; 'Cross the name of the dead person off the list'.
Put a check mark on or next to; 'Please check each name on the list'; 'tick off the items'.
Assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation; 'grade tests'; 'score the SAT essays'; 'mark homework'.
Insert punctuation marks into.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark See section The Mark and the Region.
1) A strike or spare; 2) the point on the lane where the bowler intends to put the ball down or otherwise use as a target.
Has two definitions; one: the name for the clapping of the sticks to sync the sound and the picture And Two: Something on the ground that lets the talent know where they should be for the shot.
In many text editors, it is an invisible label used to mark your position in the file.
On a Golomb ruler, the number of numbers in the line A ruler of 0-1-3-7 would have 4 marks See also: Golomb Rulers.
To put down a ballmarker, usually a small, flat object to be able to replace the ball precisely in its original location after lifting Example: Jim's ball was lying right where I was going to place my foot, so I had him mark/spot it.
License of reprisals.
See Marque.
An old weight and coin.
See Marc.
Also, a silver coin of this value.
Character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made; a trade-mark.
Character made as a substitute for a signature by one who can not write.
An evidence of presence, agency, or influence; a significative token; a symptom; a trace; specifically, a permanent impression of one's activity or character.
That toward which a missile is directed; a thing aimed at; what one seeks to hit or reach.
Attention, regard, or respect.
Limit or standard of action or fact; as, to be within the mark; to come up to the mark.
Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
Characteristic or essential attribute; a differential.
Number or other character used in registering; as, examination marks; a mark for tardiness.
Image; likeness; hence, those formed in one's image; children; descendants.
One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms.
To be a mark upon; to designate; to indicate; used literally and figuratively; as, this monument marks the spot where Wolfe died; his courage and energy marked him for a leader.
To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action; as, a pencil marks paper; his hobnails marked the floor.
To keep account of; to enumerate and register; as, to mark the points in a game of billiards or cards.
To notice or observe; to give attention to; to take note of; to remark; to heed; to regard.
Monetary unit of Germany.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark Each buffer has its own mark See section 7 The Mark and the Region.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark Each buffer has its own mark See section The Mark and the Region.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark Each buffer has its own mark See Mark.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on the whole region, that is, all the text from point to the mark See section Selecting Text.
An object the sailing instructions require a boat to leave on a specified side, and a race committee vessel surrounded by navigable water from which the starting or finishing line extends An anchor line and objects attached temporarily or accidentally to a mark are not part of it.
An identification number or method of relating to the erector which joist, joist girder or other separate part of the building goes at what location when being erected, i e , J1, K25, L7, G12, or JG9 See Piece Mark and Part Number.
Point on the lane at which the bowler is aiming.
An object the sailing instructions require a boat to pass on a specified side.
Spare or strike, so called because of the identifying mark put on the score sheet.
An indicator of the extent to which the achievement of the learning outcomes for a module or programme have been achieved.
Mark is equivalent to a binary 1, EIA negative voltage.
To identify the spot on the green where a player has picked up a ball for cleaning or to clear the way for another player's putt.
The mark points to a position in the text It specifies one end of the region , point being the other end Many commands operate on all the text from point to the mark Each buffer has its own mark Chapitre 11.
To 'catch' the ball To qualify as a mark, the player must be in control of the ball and it can't have been touched by anothe player nor bounced before reaching the player.
The last trade price of an issue If the last trade is outside of the current Ask and Bid, the mark is either the bid or the offer, whichever is closer in price to the last trade.
An object the sailing instructions require a boat to pass on a specified side, excluding its anchor line and objects attached temporarily or accidentally.
Damage in the surface of the product whose name is often described by source.
March , mark , pith , core , marrow , medulla , pulp.
To take particular notice; to observe critically; to note; to remark.
- Ilk Hristiyanlardan biri, Yani Ahdin ikinci kitabının yazarı, Markos.
- Markos
- Nişan, hedef
- Kâfi derece
- Şöhret, liyakat
- Iskandil savlası üzerinde kulaç işareti
- Not (ders)
- Leke
- Yara yeri, iz
- Isaretlemek, damga vurmak
- Ortaya çıkarmak
- Sayı tutmak
- Not vermek
- Alman parası, mark
- Bir şeye işaret koymak, bir şeyi işaretle belirtmek
- Belirtecek biçimde hareket etmek
Tick off.
To mark.
mark an era
- Çığır açmak
mark and number
- Marka ve sayı