theme park ne demek?
- Konulu eğlence parkı
- Konusu olan, mevzulu.
theme advertising
- Televizyon
theme cruise
- Konulu deniz seyahati
- Bir yerleşme merkezinde halkın gezip hava alması için düzenlenmiş ağaçlı ve çiçekli büyük bahçe, millet bahçesi
- Otopark.
- Trafik zorunlulukları dışında durma biçimi.
- Cephane, makine veya otomobillerin bulunduğu yer.
- Bk. gezilik
Piece of ground inclosed, and stored with beasts of the chase, which a man may have by prescription, or the king's grant.
Tract of ground kept in its natural state, about or adjacent to a residence, as for the preservation of game, for walking, riding, or the like.
Piece of ground, in or near a city or town, inclosed and kept for ornament and recreation; as, Hyde Park in London; Central Park in New York.
Partially inclosed basin in which oysters are grown.
To inclose in a park, or as in a park.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
theme advertisingtheme cruisetheme songtheme tunethemethemedthemed attractionthemthemathematicthematic catalogthematicathethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 ruleparkpark and ride systempark benchpark cezası makbuzupark etmepark etme yeripark etmekpark gezinti yolupark haline koymakpark içine almakparpar delictumpar excellencepar exemplepar imi