tanker ne demek?
- Petrol, benzin gibi akaryakıt ürünleriyle, sanayi ile ilgili yağ, şarap vb. sıvı maddeleri taşıyan gemi veya kamyon.
- Bk. yakıt yükleti
- İng. Akaryakıt taşıyan gemi veya kamyon.
Soldier who drives a tank.
An oceangoing ship specially designed to haul liquid bulk cargo in world trade.
An oceangoing ship designed to haul liquid bulk cargo in world trade.
Vessel designed for transporting fluid cargoes in bulk but also used for the transport of grain.
An ocean going ship which hauls crude oil.
Steamer or motor vessel in which oils or molasses are transported in bulk.
Tanker is a bulk carrier designed to transport liquid cargo, most often petroleum products Oil tankers vary in size from small coastal vessels of 1,500 tons deadweight, through medium-sized ship of 60,000 tons, to the giant VLCCs.
Ship designed to carry liquid bulk cargo.
Tanker , tankers.
Oil tanker.
Petrol tanker.
Tank ship.
Any player who is not the Linker.
Cargo ship designed to carry crude oil in bulk.
- Tanker.
- Tanker
yakıt yükleti
- Sıvı yakıtı taşımaya yarayan yüklet.
Camion citerne
- Tankerle taşımacılık yapan kimse.
- Tankercinin işi veya mesleği.