tank ne demek?
- Zırhlı ve silahlı, tekerlekleri paletli, motorlu savaş taşıtı.
- Su, yakıt vb. sıvıları depolamaya yarayan araç.
- Bk. birikimlik
Small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight; also, a Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls.
Large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for liquids.
The fixture reservoir for flush water On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve, and trip lever are installed in the tank A tank lid closes the top tank opening.
Vessel of large size to contain liquids.
An artificial reservoir for stock water; local in Southwest.
Vessel inside the dewar which contains liquid nitrogen.
Unit that is designated to take the hits, while other weaker units attack or cast their spells Summoned units are often effective tanks early in the game However, 'tank' can also refer to the Steam Tank, a Human siege unit.
An Enforcer or other character with good armor and melee expertise Used as humanshield for nano wielders, who are more vulnerable to melee attack Also known as a Meatshield.
SCUBA breathing gas cylinder.
Combat vehicle armed with machine-guns.
Usually when you are struck by a single projectile, esp from a 9mm or 357, and it is just enough force to make you shudder, but not seriously harm you.
Pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.
Large vessel for holding gases or liquids an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads as much as a tank will hold treat in a tank; 'tank animal refuse' store in a tank by causing to flow into it.
Armed combat car.
Land cruiser.
An enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads.
Large vessel for holding gases or liquids.
As much as a tank will hold.
Freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk.
Cell for violent prisoners.
Store in a tank by causing to flow into it.
Treat in a tank; 'tank animal refuse'.
Large receptacle constructed in a furnace for melting the batch Tanks replaced pots in larger glass factories in the 19th century.
Syn Bath, q v , or any container holding a body of liquid, especially an ultrasonically-activated container or tank.
The fixture reservoir for flush water On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve and trip lever are installed in the tank A tank lid closes the top tank opening.
An artificial pool, pond, reservoir, cistern, or large container for holding and storing water for drinking or irrigation.
Container for the fuel used by the kart engine The tank is usually located below the steering column, i e between the driver's legs It may be made from metal or plastic A fuel line is connected to the bottom of the tank and leads to the engine See also: sump.
Container incorporated into the structure of a liquid propellant rocket from which a liquid propellant or propellants are fed into the firing chamber or chambers.
Player or NPC who absorbs the damage a mob inflicts, normally while other players or NPCs provide assistance.
Means any stationary device, designed to contain an accumulation of used oil which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials, which provides structural support.
Any melee class, but more specifically, Warriors, Shadow Knights, and Paladins--all heavy AC classes.
Means a container for holding gases, liquids, or solids.
Tank A 210,000-gallon, collapsible, fabric tank in the IPDS, for storage of petroleum products; there are two tanks per tank-farm assembly, with three tank-farm assemblies per fuel unit and three fuel units per TPT.
Huddle; not act for a long time.
Square shape usually smooth or with a motif.
Heavy Weapons expert.
Furnace used to make glass.
- Sarnıç, su deposu
- Depo, tank
- Havuz, golcük
- Ask
- Depoya koymak
- Sürekli açındırma aygıtında, aygıt işlemeğe devam ettiği halde filmin son bölümünün bir süre durmasını, böylelikle durmuş olan filmin ucuna yeni bir kangal eklenebilmesini sağlayan bölme.
Film reservoir, reservoir, film storage unit, storage unit.
tank buster
- Tanksavarcı, tanksavar uçağı
tank car
- Su deposu vagonu