subway station ne demek?
- Metro istasyonu
- Büyükşehirlerde semtler arasında işleyen yer altı demir yolu hattı.
- Bu hatta çalışan taşıt.
- Bk. altulaşım
Metro is the Regional Government that provides general policy direction to each jurisdiction and agency within the Portland Metropolitan area Topics that Metro advises and provides general policy on are wide ranging and include; land use, transportation, environmental protection, housing, and parking to name a few.
1) An urban, electric, high-frequency mass-transit train system with its own independent right-of-way.
The name given Jaycee chapters in Population Divisions VII and VIII, as well as chapters with over 150 members in Population Divisions I through VI.
subway crossing
- Alt geçit
subway fare
- Metro ücreti
- Durak, tevakkuf mahalli
- Merkez, istasyon, gar
- Bir kimsenin bulunduğu yer
- Memuriyet, görev
- Hizmet, makam, rütbe, hal
- Yer, mahal, mevki
- Sosyal durum, derece, vaziyet
- Ordu veya donanmanın özel bir görevle gönderildiği yer
- Istasyon (radyo, televizyon), kanal (televizyon)
- Bir yere tayin etmek veya yerleştirmek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
subway crossingsubway faresubway mapsubway platformsubway trainsubwaysubsub accountsub agentsub ardosub assembliesstationstation hospitalstation housestation ınformation framestation in lifestation logstation managerstation of originstation of stockstation selectorstaticstatic staticalstatic acceleration error coefficientstatic analysisstatic balance