metro ne demek?
- Büyükşehirlerde semtler arasında işleyen yer altı demir yolu hattı.
- Bu hatta çalışan taşıt.
- Bk. altulaşım
Metro is the Regional Government that provides general policy direction to each jurisdiction and agency within the Portland Metropolitan area Topics that Metro advises and provides general policy on are wide ranging and include; land use, transportation, environmental protection, housing, and parking to name a few.
1) An urban, electric, high-frequency mass-transit train system with its own independent right-of-way.
The name given Jaycee chapters in Population Divisions VII and VIII, as well as chapters with over 150 members in Population Divisions I through VI.
Electric underground railway.
Consortium of over 300 academic, public and research libraries in the New York City metropolitan area; services include reciprocal on-site access, interlibrary loan, cooperative purchase of materials, and workshops and classes.
Public rail transportation system A subway system.
Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle.
Made from 1982 to 1990, in A Series mode with 1275cc and a turbo option as well as a Metro based Rally car 6R4.
- Metro.
- Metro [brit.]
- Kimi kez yer üstünden de gitmekle birlikte, genellikle yer altından giden ve büyük kentlerin kent içindeki ve yakın çevresindeki toplu taşıma gereksinmesini etkinlikle karşılayan, kentsel ulaşım dizgesi.
Subway, underground.
metro haritası
Subway map.
metro ile giderseniz daha iyi olur
You'd better take subway.