sayfa numarası biçimlendir ne demek?

  1. (en)Format page number


  1. Film veya fotoğrafta boyutlar.
  2. Biçim.
  3. Çangır çungur.
  4. Bk. formiyat (II)
  5. (en)Format.
  6. (en)Format strings are used to control the appearance of output in the printf statement Also, data conversions from numbers to strings are controlled by the format string contained in the built-in variable CONVFMT See section Format-Control Letters.
  7. (en)The pattern into which data are systematically arranged for use on a computer A file format is the specific design of how information is organized in the file For example, ArcInfo has specific, proprietary formats used to store coverages DLG, DEM, and TIGER are geographic data sets with different file formats.
  8. (en)Formatting a disk organizes the magnetic surfaces into tracks and sectors In word processing, format refers to the physical appearance of a document, and includes such items as margins, line spacing, etc In Excel, format refers to how numbers are shown.
  9. (en)Two types of formats are available A physical format and a logical format -Physical format: Physical format is to write data defined in ISO in three tracks of each of the inner and outer circuits of the user area set as a Defect Management Area DMA contains information on user band setting and the area to which error information is to be written Full compatibility is guaranteed for any disks physically formatted according to the ISO standard regardless of the manufacturer -Logical format: Logical format is to write data on the disk information required for a system such as a host and OS and software to handle the disk When a system reads this information, the disk is recognized Disks need to be formatted both physically and logically However, in general, each format is manufacturer specific and the compatibility is lower than it could be.
  10. (en)The pattern in which data are systematically arranged for use on a computer 6 A file format is the specific design of how information is organized in the file For example, DLG, DEM, and TIGER are geographic data sets in particular formats that are available for many parts of the United States.


  1. Üzerine yazı yazılan veya basılan bir kâğıt yaprağın iki yüzünden her biri, sahife.
  2. Gazete, dergi vb. yayınlarda özel bir alan için ayrılmış bölüm.
  3. Konu.
  4. (en)Paginal.
  5. (en)Page.
  6. (en)Leaf.
  7. (en)Foil.

sayfa açılmak

  1. Sayfa oluşturmak.


  1. Bir şeyin bir dizi içindeki yerini gösteren sayı, rakam.
  2. Ölçü, derece.
  3. Benzer şeyleri ayırt etmek için her birinin üzerine işaret olarak yazılan sayı.
  4. Öğrenciye verilen not
  5. Bir telefonun açılmasını sağlayan sayılar.
  6. Okullarda öğrencileri birbirinden ayırt etmek için her birine verilen sayı.
  7. Eğlendirici oyunlardan her biri
  8. Hile, düzen, dalavere, yalan
  9. Bk. çekim sayısı
  10. (en)Number.


  1. (en)[biçimlendirmek] form, mould, shape, give shape to, model, carve out, fashion, mold.

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