sıkıcı ne demek?
- İç sıkan, can sıkan, tedirgin eden
Etrafında her şey ona sıkıcı ve manasız geliyor.
H. Taner - Boring.
- Tiresome.
- Dull.
- Unexeciting.
- Soul-destroying.
- Unpleasant.
- Oppressive.
- Arid.
- Unreadable.
- Bald.
- Burdensome.
- Cold.
- Constringent.
- Cut and dried.
- Damnable.
- Dead alive.
- Disconcerting.
- Ditch-water.
- Ditchwater.
- Drab.
- Dryasdust.
- Dusty.
- Gaunt.
- Gloomy.
- Grave.
- Cheerless.
- Colourless.
- Dead.
- Deadly.
- Flat.
- Godforsaken.
- Grey.
- Inconvenient.
- Irksome.
- Mundane.
- Nondescript.
- Prosaic.
- Staid.
- Sterile.
- Stodgy.
- Stuffy.
- Tame.
- Tedious.
- Wearisome.
- Workaday.
- Bothersome.
- Dreadful.
- Dreary.
- Get out of the groove / rut.
- Heavy.
- Lackluster.
- Plaguy.
- Ponderous.
- Prolix.
- Saturnine.
- Trying.
- Uncongenial.
- Vapid.
- Weary.
sıkıcı adale
- Constrictor.
sıkıcı bil dille yazmak
- Prose.