pike ne demek?
- Kabartmalı pamuklu kumaş.
- Bu kumaştan yapılan yatak örtüsü.
Gece sıcak olduğu için üzerine yalnız ince bir pike örtü örttük.
R. N. Güntekin - Kargı, mızrak
- Uçağın yüksekten, hedef üzerine büyük bir açı ile inmesi.
- Uçağın yüksekten hedefin üzerine dik olarak saldırması.
- Otoyol, anayol. Paralı yol.
- Yüksek bir yerden suya dik olarak dalma.
- İyi ayrılamama sebebiyle un veya irmik içerisinde kalmış olan, gözle görülebilen, iri ve koyu renkli kepek vb. parçacık.
- Dolaşma boyunca gergin gövdenin ağırlığını parmak uçlarında taşıma.
- Turnabalığı, balıklama atlama, kargı, mızrak, kazma, paralı yol, köprü parası, zirve (brit.), kuru ot yığını
Large fresh-water fish , found in Europe and America, highly valued as a food fish; called also pickerel, gedd, luce, and jack.
Any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet a sharp point highly valued northern freshwater fish with lean flesh.
Broad highway designed for high-speed traffic.
Highly valued northern freshwater fish with lean flesh.
Sharp point.
Medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet.
Any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere.
To bend forward at the waist so that both the torso and the legs are in front of the hips.
Position in which the body is bent at the hips, with knees straight and toes pointed.
Jump, while in the air keep both feet together, and put feet straight out in front of you, make sure your legs are straight The goal is for your extended legs to be parallel to the ground.
Very long spear-like weapon with a sharp steel point, used in the infantry.
Also a flip, but one in which the acrobat has straight legs throughout, but is bent at the hips.
Foot soldier's weapon, consisting of a long wooden shaft or staff, with a pointed steel head.
It is now superseded by the bayonet.
Pointed or peaked hill.
Large haycock.
Turnpike; a toll bar.
Long spear used as weapon mainly by the infantry.
Long wooden shaft with a pointed iron head.
Touching the toes when the legs are straight and together.
Weapon formed of a long wooden shaft with a steel point used by foot soldiers during the medieval period.
Freshwater fish Appeared in northern regions soon after the last ice age ended.
Large, aggressive coldwater game fish found in lakes and rivers.
- Kazma
- Sivri uç
- Ana yol, asfalt
- Paralı ana yol
- Kargı ile delmek veya öldürmek.
- Kabartması olan.
pike off
- Tüymek
pike perch
- Levrek (uzun) [zool.]