orsa boca ne demek?
- Geminin bazen rüzgâr yönüne yaklaşarak, bazen ondan uzaklaşarak yol alması.
- Bata çıka, iyi kötü
Sonra orsa boca tekrar salıncağa doğru yollandı.
O. C. Kaygılı
orsa alabanda
- Gemiyi birdenbire rüzgârın üstüne çevirme.
Down with the helm!.
orsa alabanda eğlenmek
- Yelkenleri rüzgardan en az yararlanacak şekilde kullanarak tekneyi yolundan alıkoyup vakit geçirmek.
- Yelkenli bir teknenin bir çeşit seyir şeklidir.
- Geminin rüzgâr almayan yanı, orsa veya rüzgâr üstü karşıtı.
- Yönünü rüzgara çevirerek şahlanma
Building Officials Code Administration.
Building Officials and Code Administrators - Publishes the National Building Code every three years, with yearly supplements Most commonly referred to in the northeast United States.
Building Officials and Code Administrators, International, Inc.
Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
Building Officials and Code Administrators, International, Country Club Hills, IL One of the U S model code organizations.
Building Officials Conference of America, an organization that writes the guidelines for basic community building codes.
Minimum model regulatory code for the protection of public health, safety, welfare and property by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use, occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings and structures within a jurisdiction Its serves primarily the North Central and Northeast United States.
Building Officials and Code Administrators- One of the various U S agencies that write building codes.