oath in litem ne demek?
- Anlaşmazlık konusunun değeri hakkında davacıya verdirilen yemin
- Lanet
- Ant, yemin
- Küfür, sövgü
oath ant
- Yemin
- Yaban hayvanlarının kendilerine yuva edindikleri kovuk.
- Mağara.
- İnsan.
- Bkz. kovuk, mağara.
- Koyun pisliği
- (edat) içinde, -de, -da
- Tema.
- Bk. geçirmeli elektron mikroskobu
The transverse electromagnetic mode that is a means of describing the cross sectional shape of a laser beam Typical TEM modes for industrial lasers include a Gaussian shaped beam energy distribution, a bimodal-shaped beam, and a ring shaped distribution.
Transmission electron microscopy.
Transition electron microscopy, used for very high magnification study of internal metallic structures.
Transmission Electron Microscope, STEM - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
oathoath antoath breakingoath decisoryoath of abjurationoath of allegianceoath of officeoath of pharmacistoatoat breadoat flakesoat flouroat fodder flourinin a bad conditionin a bad fixin a bad lightin a bad moodin a bad temperin a bad wayin a big hurryin a big wayin a bodyii 0i accepti adore youi agree