in ne demek?
- Yaban hayvanlarının kendilerine yuva edindikleri kovuk.
- Mağara.
- İnsan.
- Bkz. kovuk, mağara.
- (edat) içinde, -de, -da
in the box / kutuda
- Koyun pisliği
Prefix from Eng.
In, also from Lat.
In, meaning in, into, on, among; as, inbred, inborn, inroad; incline, inject, intrude.
There are three isomeric varieties.
Currently fashionable; 'the in thing to do'; 'large shoulder pads are in' inside an enclosed space to or toward the inside of; 'come in'; 'smash in the door'.
Unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot.
Rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite.
State in midwestern United States.
To or toward the inside of; 'come in'; 'smash in the door'.
Inside an enclosed space.
Holding office; 'the in party'.
Directed or bound inward; 'took the in bus'; 'the in basket'.
Currently fashionable; 'the in thing to do'; 'large shoulder pads are in'.
Intelligent Network.
Intelligent network.
Intelligent Network, A capability with well developed network infrastructure in a telecom network environment allowing new services such as free phones or televoting to be developed quickly and introduced on any scale, from a local trial to network-wide.
Stitutional control: Control of a waste site by an authority or institution designated under the laws of a country This control may be active or passive and may be a factor in the design of a nuclear facility.
1-bit field that contains either a 1 for IN or a 0 for OUT in the proposed DiffServ standard A field marked with a 1 for IN indicates that this packet is worthy of a higher level of service within whatever share of router resources are associated with a particular PHB.
The last nine holes of an eighteen hole golf course Example: He had 40 going out and 40 coming in for a total score of 80.
Sirupy, nontoxic ptomaine, C5H14N2 , formed in putrefaction of flesh, etc.
Pharmaceutical abbreviation, intranasal.
At T-intersection when stops cannot be listed as farside or nearside.
In words from the Latin, in- regularly becomes il- before l, ir- before r, and im- before a labial; as, illusion, irruption, imblue, immigrate, impart.
Is used in GEMIS as the acronym for industry.
In- is sometimes used with an simple intensive force.
The last nine holes of an 18 hole course.
An inseparable prefix, or particle, meaning not, non-, un- as, inactive, incapable, inapt.
In- regularly becomes il- before l, ir- before r, and im- before a labial.
The last nine holes of an eighteen hole golf course Example: 'He had 43 going out and 40 coming in for a total score of 83.
The present style, what's 'in'.
See the Note under - ine.
INCENTIVES FOR EMPLOYEES TO LIVE CLOSE - Employer sponsors a program to encourage employees to live close to the employer work site.
The specific signification of in is situation or place with respect to surrounding, environment, encompassment, etc.
Prep w acc or dat , in, into, on, for.
It is used with verbs signifying being, resting, or moving within limits, or within circumstances or conditions of any kind conceived of as limiting, confining, or investing, either wholly or in part.
In its different applications, it approaches some of the meanings of, and sometimes is interchangeable with, within, into, on, at, of, and among.
With reference to space or place; as, he lives in Boston; he traveled in Italy; castles in the air.
With reference to circumstances or conditions; as, he is in difficulties; she stood in a blaze of light.
With reference to a whole which includes or comprises the part spoken of; as, the first in his family; the first regiment in the army.
With reference to character, reach, scope, or influence considered as establishing a limitation; as, to be in one's favor.
With reference to movement or tendency toward a certain limit or environment; sometimes equivalent to into; as, to put seed in the ground; to fall in love; to end in death; to put our trust in God.
With reference to a limit of time; as, in an hour; it happened in the last century; in all my life.
Not out; within; inside.
In, the preposition, becomes an adverb by omission of its object, leaving it as the representative of an adverbial phrase, the context indicating what the omitted object is; as, he takes in the situation ; the Republicans were in ; in at one ear and out at the other ; his side was in ; he came in.
With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin; as, in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband.
One who is in office; the opposite of out.
To inclose; to take in; to harvest.
Hypothetical compound, C2H2N4 which may be regarded as benzene with four CH groups replaced by nitrogen atoms; also, any of various derivatives of the same.
Term for being an active player; one who has not folded.
Intelligent Network - A sophisticated network capable of recognizing the profile of its users or subscribers Carriers offering advanced services will increasingly offer IN services, particularly as the boundary between fixed and mobile networks becomes blurred.
Industrial Nucleonics Multics customer 1977-1991, located in Columbus, OH Produced industrial process controllers and measurement instrumentation such as thickness gauges Used Multics as a software factory for Level 6 minicomputers Later called AcuRay Corporation, then bought by ASEA Brown Boveri.
Intelligent Network - the capability in a public telecom network that allows new services to be developed quickly and introduced on any scale IOS Interoperability Standard The standard used to define open interfaces in cdmaOne and cdma2000 networks IP Internet Protocol - data protocol used in the Internet IS-136 The standard behind TDMA networks Ipv4 Internet Protocol version four - the version of IP most commonly deployed today Ipv6 Internet Protocol version six - which will, among other things, add significantly to the address capacity, security and real-time capability of IP IPSec One of the most widely used IP tunneling security protocols.
Descriptive of a good shot that lands in the opponent's court.
Chemical symbol for Indium.
Convergent Motion Toward a Common Center.
Go-go , in , into , on.
- Içeride, moda, evde, yerinde, iç, gelmiş olan, tutulan, iktidarda olan
- Siz: -siz, sız: -sız
- Etkili tarafın üyesi
- Dili istenilen du- ruma erişme vasıtası
- Dahili, iç
- Kazanmış
- Elinde
- Içeri doğru yönelen
- Içeride, içeriye, içine
- Evde
- Vazife ba- şında
- Mevsimi gelmiş be in with ortağı ol- mak
- Arkadaşı olmak
- Edat içinde, içine, dahilinde, de, da
- Giymiş, süslenmiş, örtülü
- (belirli bir renk, model veya kumaştan) yapılmış
- Düzenlenmiş
- Ile meşgul
- Amacıyle
- Vasıtasıyla
- Göre
- Bakımından
- Tesirinde
- Esnasında
- B.D
- Önek -sız veya gayri edatı: incapable ka biliyetsiz, yeteneği olmayan
- -e doğru, içe riye, içine: in-bound merkeze doğru yak- laşmakta
- Limana doğru
- Içinde: inhome evde yapılan
- Sırasında: in-service training çalışma sırasında yapılan eğitim, pratik.
in a bad condition
- Kötü durumda
in a bad fix
- Zor bir durumda, zor bir halde