normed algebra ne demek?

  1. Normlu cebir

normed space

  1. Normlu uzay


  1. Normal bir biçimde etkiyen.
  2. (en)Normergic.


  1. Cebir
  2. Cebir ilmi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

normed spacenormerjiknormnorm metricnorm metriğinorm normnorm of a vectornornor gatenor isleminor operationnor yetalgebraalgebra of logicalgebra of propositionsalgebraicalgebraic calculusalgebraic differentialalgebraic equationalgebraic expressionalgebraic field theoryalgebraic formalgealgalg algealg bilimialg çiçeklenmesialg iflası
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