norm ne demek?
- Kural olarak benimsenmiş, yerleşmiş ilke veya kanuna uygun durum, düzgü.
- Bk. düzgü
Member of a lesser House.
Brand , norm.
Rule or authoritative standard; a model; a type.
Expectations of how a person or persons will behave in a given situation based on established protocols, rules of conduct or accepted social practices.
Typical, structural unit; a type.
Way of behaving or believing that is normal for a group or culture All societies have their norms, they are simply what most people do Deviants break norms Some norms are enshrined in law and society punishes those who deviate from them Breaches of unwritten norms are unofficially punished This is important to science, because innovation is a form of deviancy science formally encourages.
Standard or model or pattern regarded as typical; 'the current middle-class norm of two children per family'.
The mean or the average - an established pattern or form.
The description of the characteristics of a variety as supplied by the Breeder Also known as a variety description.
An average, common, or standard performance under specified conditions, e g , the average achievement test score of nine-year-old children or the average birth weight of male children.
Statistic that provides a frame of reference by which meaning may be given to test scores; norms are based upon the actual performance of pupils of various grades or ages in the standardization group for the test.
An expected standard of behaviour and belief established and enforced by a group.
Statistic describing the location of a distribution; 'it set the norm for American homes'.
An expectation based on multiple observations.
The number of points a player must achieve in an international tournament to gain qualification for FIDE titles.
Score, based on the test performances of large numbers of participants, that is used as a standard for assessing the performances of test takers.
Normal Occuring Raddioactive Material Can cause environmental concerns.
Belief held by a number of members of a group, that the members ought to behave in a certain way in certain circumstances.
- Norm, standart, örnek, model, tip
- Belirli bir grup için tipik sayılan model veya standart, norm, örnek
- Istatistikte en çok elde edilen değer
- Düstur, düzgü.
- Yargılama ve değerlendirmenin kendisine göre yapıldığı ölçüt, uyulması gereken kural, norm.
Norm norm.
norm metric
- Norm metriği
norm metriği
Norm metric.
Métrique définie par la norm