algebraic equation ne demek?
- Cebirsel denklem
- Cebirle ilgili.
- Bk. kümel
- Algebraic.
- Algebraical.
algebraic expression
- Cebirsel terim
- Cebirsel, cebir
- Denklem, denge
- Bkz. ekuasyon
- Eşitlik
- Muadele, eşitleme
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
algebraic expressionalgebraicalgebraic calculusalgebraic differentialalgebraic field theoryalgebraic formalgebraic formulaalgebraic functionalgebraic manipulationalgebraic numberalgebraalgebra of logicalgebra of propositionsequationequation editorequation editor help topicsequation editor serverequation for geodesic deviationequation inequation muadeleequation of a circleequation of exchangeequation of stateequatingequatabilityequatableequateequated