modemli faks ne demek?
Data fax modem
- Veri.
- Aslında kendileri ekonomik olmayan ancak ekonomi dünyasını dışarıdan kuşatan veya çerçeveleyen, nüfus, teknik bilgi, hukuk düzeni ve yönetim biçimi ögelerinden her biri.
- Veri
See Datum.
Data can be defined in many ways Information science defines data as unprocessed information Data is converted into information, and information is converted into knowledge For the purposes of Enterprise, data is a small unit of information, i e a learner's name or an exam mark.
Term that describes the BITS, BYTES, etc, that a computer stores and manipulates Data processed in a useful way becomes information.
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation.
Formalized representation of facts or concepts suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by people or automated means ' The term 'data' is often used to refer to the information stored in the computer.
Alpha and numeric characters which are processed by a computer 2 Facts or information gathered for a specific purpose.
Digital information or just information, depending on the context.
- Çevirge.
- Çevirge
MOdulator/DEModulator A device that converts between digital signals from the computer and analog signals for communication over a telephone line.
Modulator/demodulator, a device that can convert digital signals from a computer into analog sound signals for transmission over a telephone line, and vice versa.
Communications device that enables a computer to transmit information over a standard telephone line, and the most common way for people to connect to the Internet There are two modems involved in making a connection: one that connects the user's computer to the phone jack and, at the other end of the line, the modem that communicates with a networked computer.
Device that converts digital data from a computer to an analog signal It also converts telephone analog signals to digital data for use by the computer.
Modem allows two computers to communicate over ordinary phone lines It derives its name from modulate / demodulate, the process by which it converts digital computer data back and forth for use with an analog phone line.
Devices that convert digital and analog signals Modems allow computer data to be transmitted over voice-grade telephone lines.
Device allowing computers to communicate over telephone lines Acronym for MODulate-DEModulate, meaning that analog information is modulated to digital information and vice versa The current generation of modems is Hays-compatible, operates at 56KB/sec, and supports the V 90 standard.
Shortened form of 'modulator- demodulator ' A device that allows computers to communicate with each other via telephone lines, cellular signals or television cables To send information from one computer to another, a modem converts digital signals from a computer into analog signals that can be sent over telephone lines On the receiving end, the modem converts the analog signals back into digital ones that can be understood by the computer.
modem arıyor
Dialing modem
- Belgegeçer.
- Kırmak, kesr.
- Ölmek.
Fax machine.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
modemmodem arıyormodem durumunu göstermodem eliminatormodem eliminator null modemmodemode of actionmode of administrationmode of conveyancemode of dressingmodmodamoda çıkarmakmoda dünyasımoda düşkünü gençlikfaksfaks adres sihirbazıfaks aktarımıfaks alıcısıfaks aygıtıfaks bağlantı noktasıfaks belgesifaks bilgilerifaks çekmekfaks durumunu gizlefakfak fuk fonufakafaka basmakfaka bastırmak