manufacturing defect ne demek?
- Defo
- Kusur, özür, bozukluk.
- Flaw.
- Defect.
- Manufacturing defect.
manufacturing cost
- Işleme ücreti
manufacturing expenses
- Yapım giderleri
- Bozukluk
- Kaçmak, sığınmak
- Kusur
- Noksan, eksiklik
- Terketmek
- Karşı tarafa iltica etmek
- Döneklik etmek, ayrılmak
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
manufacturing costmanufacturing expensesmanufacturing faultmanufacturing industrymanufacturing licencemanufacturingmanufacturing manmanufacturing methodmanufacturing or selling soapmanufacturing overheadmanufacturemanufacture tomanufacturedmanufactured amuletmanufactured articledefectdefect coagulapathydefect in characterdefect numberdefect of formdefect of visiondefectiondefectivedefective colour visiondefective constitutiondefecatedefecatiodefecationdefedefeasancedefeasedefeaseddefeasible