layered pastry ne demek?
- Suböreği
- Fırına koymadan önce yufkası suda haşlanan peynirli ya da kıymalı börek.
Layered pastry.
layered pastry with cheese filling
- Peynirli börek
layered architecture
- Katmanli mimari
- Hamur işi
- Pasta
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
layered pastry with cheese fillinglayered architecturelayeredlayerlayer 2 forwarding protocollayer 2 tunneling protocollayer cakelayer filtrationlayebgıyanlayecuzlayefhemlayefnalayemutlaylay 4lay a bridgelay a cablelay a firepastrypastry bagpastry blenderpastry boardpastry chefpastry cookpastry filled with spinachpastry rings consumed in holy dayspastry rolls coated with chocalate saucepastry sellerpastrapastramipastrami and harricot beans casserolepastrami omelettepastpast business combinationpast considerationpast crimepast cure