judge pro tem ne demek?
- Geçici yetkiyle görevli yargıç
- Geçici yargıç
judge advocate
- Askeri hukuk müşaviri
- Askeri hakim
- Askeri savcı
judge advocate general
- Savunma bakanlığı birinci hukuk müşaviri
- Askeri başsavcı
- Askeri hukuk dairesi baş müşaviri
- Bk.Prolin
- Için
- Lehinde
- , gen
- Dili profesyonel atlet
- Profesyonel kimse.
- Önünde
- Önce vaki olan
- Ileri
- Tema.
- Bk. geçirmeli elektron mikroskobu
The transverse electromagnetic mode that is a means of describing the cross sectional shape of a laser beam Typical TEM modes for industrial lasers include a Gaussian shaped beam energy distribution, a bimodal-shaped beam, and a ring shaped distribution.
Transmission electron microscopy.
Transition electron microscopy, used for very high magnification study of internal metallic structures.
Transmission Electron Microscope, STEM - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
judge advocatejudge advocate generaljudge at the finishjudge by externalsjudge de factojudgejudge in commercial courtjudge made lawjudge of menjudgeablejudjudahjudaicjudaic icaljudaicapropro and conpro big hookpro boiled wheatpro cancerpro delicately builtpro diepro formapro forma invoicepro invitationprpr aralığıpr.PRApracticability