jambon ne demek?
- Tuzlanarak, ise tutularak hazırlanmış domuz budu veya kolu.
- Tavuk, hindi veya dana etinden, kürleme, tütsüleme ve pişirme yoluyla elde edilmiş, tüketime hazır et ürünlerinin genel adı.
Meat cut from the thigh of a hog.
Gun, so called from its fanciful resemblance to a 'betterave' or jambon The botanical name of the root is melochia 'What would you do to me, brigand? Give me fifty blows of a matraque, as your officer gave you last week for stealing his jambon?' - Ouida: Under Two Flays, chap xvi Jambuscha [Jam-bus-cah ] Adam's preceptor, according to the pre-Adamites Sometimes called Boan, and sometime Zagtith.
French: ham.
It is the French word for 'ham' which consists of the hind leg of the pig, separated from the carcass at about the second joint of the verebrae.
- Jambon
jambon füme
[jambon fumé (m) ] smoked gammon, gammon.
jambonlu sandviç
Ham sandwich.