irish whisky ne demek?

  1. Irlanda viskisi


  1. (en)Ireland.
  2. (en)Irish.
  3. (en)Ireland.
  4. (en)Eire.
  5. (en)Emerald isle.
  6. (en)Erin.

irish capital

  1. Irlanda'nin baskenti

irish coffee

  1. İrlanda kahvesi


  1. Viski

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

irish capitalirish coffeeirish free stateirish republicirish terrieririshirishismirishmanirishwomanirisiris colobomairis diaphragmiris diyaframıiris diyaframiiriiri alyuvar kansızlığıiri ateş maşasıiri ayaklıgilleriri ayıbalığıwhiskywhisky and waterwhisky and water pleasewhisky neatwhisky on the rockswhisky sourwhiskwhisk awaywhisk broomwhiskbroomwhiskerwhishwhishtwhichwhich bus goes to city hallwhich bus goes to downtownwhich bus goes to the airportwhich can carry tons
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