iris ne demek?
- Saydam tabaka ile göz merceği arasında bulunan, ince, kasılabilen bir zardan oluşan, gözün renkli bölümü.
- Alıcının önünde yer alan, çember biçiminde büyüyüp küçülen, özellikle noktalı açılma-kararmayı gerçekleştirmekte kullanılan örtü çeşidi.
- Bk. süsen
- Ön ve arka göz kamaralarını birbirinden ayıran, ışığın geçişinde diyafram görevini yapan, epitel altındaki bağ dokuda pigment hücrelerini içeren tunika vazkuloza bulbi katmanındaki üç oluşumdan biri.
- gözbebeği, göznuru. göze parlaklık ve renk veren bölüm.
- Yun. Gözümüzün saydam tabakasının arkasında olup, deliği, ışığın az veya çok miktarda olmasına göre genişleyip büzülen tabaka. Kuzahiye.İRKA' : Geciktirme.
- Saydam tabakayla göz merceği arasında bulunan ince, kasılabilen bir zardan oluşan gözün renkli ve damarlı bölümü.
Pigmented tissue that lies behind the cornea that gives color to the eye and controls the amount of light entering the eye by varying the size of the black pupillary opening.
An adjustable opto-mechanical aperture built into a camera that controls the amount of lights coming through the lens.
The colored portion of the eye, the iris regulates the opening of the pupil.
The video camera's lens opening which regulates the amount of light entering a camera.
Behind the cornea is the colored part of the eye, the iris The color of the iris is a result of the amount of pigment, it contains The iris contracts and expands its dilator muscles, depending on whether you are in bright light or in dim or dark surroundings By regulating the size of the pupil, the opening in the center, the iris directs light onto the retina.
The colored portion of the eye that expands and contracts to control the size of the eye opening.
The colored portion of the eye behind the cornea.
Pigmented tissue that lies behind the cornea that gives color to the eye and controls the amount of light entering the eye by varying the size of the black pupillary opening Back to Top.
The colored portion of the eye It is actually a small muscle that helps the eye adjust to different levels of light and dark When it dilates, the eye receives more light through the pupil, and when it contracts, the eye receives less light.
The iris controls the amount of light entering into the eye and is the part of the eye that gives it color.
Tissue behind the cornea that gives color to the eye and controls amount of light entering the eye by varying the size of its central opening.
The colored part of the eye The ring of tissue suspended behind the cornea and immediately in front of the lens Regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
Similar to your eye, the adjustable opening in the lens that allows light to pass through The measurement for the iris opening is F-stop.
The coloured part of the eye, which changes the size of the pupil, regulating the amount of light allowed into the eye.
Colored part of eye.
IRIS is a Web application allowing Network Administrators to configure the ports on the switches in their buildings.
The colored ring of tissue suspended behind the cornea and immediately in front of the lens It regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
The opaque muscular contractile diaphragm that is suspended in the aqueous humor in front of the lens of the eye; perforated by the pupil and continuous peripherally with the ciliary body; possesses a deeply pigmented posterior surface, which excludes the passage of light except through the pupil, and a colored anterior surface which determines the color of the eye.
The coloured muscular membrane which lies behind the cornea and in front of the lens which by opening or closing determines the size of the pupil and hence the amount of light entering the eye.
The colored ring of tissue suspended behind the cornea and immediately in front of the lens.
The colored part of the eye The iris is partly responsible for regulating the amount of light permitted to enter the eye.
The colored diaphragm in the anterior chamber of the eyeball which contracts and expands to adjust for light intensity.
This is a structure that we see as the colored part of the eye Two muscles within the iris relax and contract the pupil so it can help control and focus the light coming in to the eye.
The round, pigmented membrane surrounding the pupil of the eye, having muscles that adjust the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye.
Plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals.
Muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil; it forms the colored portion of the eye.
Diaphragm consisting of thin overlapping plates that can be adjusted to change the diameter of a central opening.
- Iris tabakası, gözbebeği etrafındaki renkli kısım
- Gökkuşağı veya buna benzer herhangi bir şey
- Gökkuşağı tanrıçası
- Süsen, (bot.) Iris
- Süsengillerden, yaprakları kılıç biçiminde, çiçekleri iri ve mor renkli, güzel görünüşlü ve kokulu, çok yıllık bir süs bitkisi, susam (İris germanica).
- Süsengiller (Iridaceae) familyasından, rizomlu ya da soğanlı, kılıçsı yapraklı, mavi, mor, beyaz, kahverengi gibi renklerde çiçekleri olan, mezarlıklarda, park ve bahçelerde süs bitkisi olarak da yetiştirilen, çok yıllık bitkiler. Nevruz.
- Zambak.
- Çiçekleri iri, güzel görünüşlü ve kokulu bir süs bitkisi.
Blue flag.
iris coloboma
- Iris kolobomu
iris diaphragm
- Iris diyaframi