imperfect obligation ne demek?
- Eksik borç
- Ahlaki borç
- Bir bölümü olmayan, noksan, natamam.
- Mükemmel olmayan, kusurlu, muallel, sakat.
- Az
- İhtiyaç duyulan şey
- Deficient.
- Lacking.
- Defective.
- Incomplete.
- Insufficient.
- Short.
- Bozuk, defolu
- Hikaye birleşik zamanı
- Eksik, noksan, kusurlu
- Bitmemiş
- Tamamlanmamış
imperfect competition
- Eksik rekabet
- Yükümlülük
- Minnet borcu
- Minnet, zorunluluk
- Mecburiyet
- Senet, borç
- Farz, ödev, yüküm
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
imperfectimperfect competitionimperfect competition marketimperfect delegationimperfect dielectricimperfect knowledgeimperfect scaleimperfect titleimperfectionimperfectiveimperfimperatifimperativalimperativeimperative dispositionsimperative languageobligationobligation inventionobligation of expectationobligation of licenceeobligation of returning homeobligation outstandingobligation to bearerobligation to buyobligation to contractobligation to markobligatingobligating eventobligatobligateobligate symbiontobligated