folding bed ne demek?
- Portatif karyola
- Kolay taşınabilen, katlanarak taşınabilir duruma getirilebilen, seyyar
- Sökülüp başka yerde kurulma imkânı bulunan.
folding camera
- Körüklü fotoğraf makinesi
folding chair
- Portatif sandalye
- Açılır kapanır koltuk
- Kötü, çirkin, tuhaf.
- Fena. Kötü. Çirkin. Yaramaz. şer. şeni'.
- (C.: Ebda-Büdü') İslam içinde kazılan kuyu.
- Başlama, başlayış.
An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch.
Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed , or this with the bedclothes added.
Plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground.
Mass or heap of anything arranged like a bed; as, a bed of ashes or coals.
The bottom of a watercourse, or of any body of water; as, the bed of a river.
Layer or seam, or a horizontal stratum between layers; as, a bed of coal, iron, etc.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
folding camerafolding chairfolding doorfolding doorsfolding hoodfoldingfolding ladderfolding moneyfolding ratiofolding rulefoldfold downfold down backfold in ones armsfold mountainsbedbed and boardbed and breakfastbed and breakfast roombed basebed bugbed bunnybed clothingbed coverbed coveringbebe ... shybe a bad judge ofbe a bad sailorbe a ball of fortune