flora ne demek?
- Bir bölgede yetişen bitkilerin hepsi, bitki örtüsü, bitey.
- Bir bölgenin bitki örtüsü topluluğu.
- Belirli bir coğrafi alanda bulunan bitki türlerinin tümü, bitki topluluğu.
- Herhangi bir canlı veya organ üzerindeki mikroorganizmaların tümü.
The goddess of flowers and spring.
The complete system of vegetable species growing without cultivation in a given locality, region, or period; a list or description of, or treatise on, such plants.
The entire plant population of a given area, environment, formation, or time span.
The plant life of an area.
Plant life or vegetation of a region.
General term for all forms of plant life characteristic of a region, period or special environment Flore.
Plants of a given region or period of geologic time.
The entire group of plants found in an area.
The entire plant life of a particular region or geological period.
All the plant life in a particular region.
The total plant life of an area at a time 'Vegetation' is more limited, usually meaning the large vascular plants.
Living organism lacking the power of locomotion.
Is the total plant life in an area.
The plants of a particular region, geological period, or environment.
The plants that live in a particular area.
The plant and/or bacteria species that inhabit a particular environment, e g , intestinal flora.
The plants of a region.
Plant life.
List of all plant species that occur in an area.
The plants of a particular region or time.
All the plant life of a given place.
The total of all different plants of an area versus vegetation, a total of all plants The limitation of a flora can be geographical or artificial For example, the 'flora of Michigan' should not include a plant found even a meter outside of its border, for instance in neighboring Indiana.
- Flora, bitki örtüsü, belli bir organdaki mikroplar
- Bitey, flora, bir bölgede yetişen bitkilerin topu
- Bu bitkiler hakkında yazılmış eser
- Belli bir kısımdaki mikroplar
Flos: çiçek
flora flora
- Bir jeolojik dönem ya da yöre ile ilgili bitki yaşamı.
- - biteyci.