detach my video ne demek?
- Videomu çıkart
- Sökmek
- Çıkmak, kopmak
- Özel görevlendirmek
- Çözmek, ayırmak
- Çıkarmak, koparmak
- Ayrılmak
detach store
- Depoyu ayır
- Benim
- Aman! Olur şey değil ! Hayret!
- Hayret, vay be
- Million years.
- Hayret!, vay be!
- Hem görüntü hem de ses kaydedebilen, daha önce kasete kaydedilmiş görüntü ve sesleri ekrana yansıtan aygıt, videoteyp.
Video player.
Video deck.
Video recorder.
Video teyp.
Audiovisual aids.
Digital video is useful in multimedia applications for showing real life - such as people talking or real life illustrations of concepts Its main drawback is its very large file size To make it usable video files need to be compressed.
Electronic recording and playback of imagery.
Moving pictures.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
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