my beautiful ne demek?
- Güzelim
- Değer verilen, sevilen, beğenilen.
Beauty, belle, the beautiful.
my best compliments
- Selamlar, saygılar
my better half
- Eğim, karım
- Harika, nefis
- Tatlı, hoş
- Güzel, latif, zarif
- Biçimli
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
my best complimentsmy better halfmymy baggage is brokenmy baggage is broken and some things are missingmy blood type is a positivemy blood type is ab negativemy change pleasemy chuckmy companymM bandım cetvelim crewM CSFbeautifulbeautiful and graceful girlbeautiful djinnbeautiful girlbeautiful peoplebeautiful sightbeautiful thingbeautiful womanbeautifullybeautifulnessbeautificationbeautification programbeautifiedbeautifierbeautician