video ne demek?
- Hem görüntü hem de ses kaydedebilen, daha önce kasete kaydedilmiş görüntü ve sesleri ekrana yansıtan aygıt, videoteyp.
Video player.
Video deck.
Video recorder.
Video teyp.
Audiovisual aids.
Digital video is useful in multimedia applications for showing real life - such as people talking or real life illustrations of concepts Its main drawback is its very large file size To make it usable video files need to be compressed.
Electronic recording and playback of imagery.
Moving pictures.
Recording of both the video and audio components.
Broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; 'she is a star of screen and video'; 'Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done' - Ernie Kovacs.
The visible part of a television transmission; 'they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone'.
Pertaining to picture signals in a television system.
Smoothly animating series of images More complex than simple animated gifs, videos can add richness to content and enhance the user experience Videos are often accompanied by sound tracks; it is recommended that this not be done within the video itself but by using SMIL.
Pertaining to the picture signals in a television system or to the information-carrying signals which are eventually presented on the cathode-ray tubes of a radar.
Video cameras and cable television Visible spectrum The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the unaided human eye Voice Telephone services.
Pertaining to visual information in an integrated system.
Series of framed images put together, one after another, to simulate motion and interactivity A video can be transmitted by number of frames per second and/or the amount of time between switching frames.
The medium of delivering information created from the.
Moving picture, accompanied by sound.
Video console variables find the best tradeoff between performance and quality Also possible to use these commands in scripts to change your settings quickly in-game.
Something that has been recorded on videotape, CD, DVD, cassette, or other broadcasting medium.
Pertaining to picture signals in a television system Voltage Drop The voltage developed across a component or conductor by the current in the resistance or impedance of the component or conductor.
Version of filming often used in music productions or to promote someone or something.
Source of video signal for the monitor, may be an add-on board, or built right into the motherboard.
- Video, video terminal, video filmi, televizyon [amer.]
- Televizyonla resim nakline ait .video tape görüntü ve ses kaydeden televizyon bandı.
video adapter
- Video adaptörü
video adaptörü
Video adapter