counter dll ne demek?

  1. Uzatılabilir sayaç dll


  1. (en)Extensile, prolongable, renewable.

counter decoder

  1. Sayaçlı kodçözücü

counter digits

  1. Sayaç basamakları


  1. (en)(Computers) file containing the executable routines of a program (in the operating systems Windows and OS/2).
  2. Dll

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

counter decodercounter digitscounter argumentcounter assurancecounter attackcounter boringcounter checkcountercounter claimcounter clerkcounter clockwisecounter currentcountecountedcounted buffercountenancecountenancerdlldll pathdll surrogatedll vekilidll yoludlldynamic link librarydlls useddldl envelopeDL fenilalaninDL lisinDL metiyonin
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