dlldynamic link library ne demek?
- Programlar tarafından kullanılan içinde çeşitli kod ve veriyi içeren dosya türüne verilen isimdir. Örnek: System.dll
(Computers) file containing the executable routines of a program (in the operating systems Windows and OS/2).
- Dll
dll path
- Dll yolu
- Atın eşkin yürüyüşü.
- İletişimi sağlayan dizgenin, teknik ağın birliği.
- Bk. telsiz bağlantısı
Torch made of tow and pitch, or the like.
Single ring or division of a chain.
Hence: Anything, whether material or not, which binds together, or connects, separate things; a part of a connected series; a tie; a bond.
Anything doubled and closed like a link; as, a link of horsehair.
Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end; specifically , the slotted bar, or connecting piece, to the opposite ends of which the eccentric rods are jointed, and by means of which the movement of the valve is varied, in a link motion.
Bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms; applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction.
Sausages; because linked together.
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