cannal ne demek?
- Ark
- İçinden su akıtmak için toprağı kazarak yapılan açık oluk, su yolu, arık, cetvel, kanal.
- Bk. ışık yayı
- Ulaşmak.
- Chest, or coffer.
- The oblong chest of acacia wood, overlaid with gold, which supported the mercy seat with its golden cherubs, and occupied the most sacred place in the sanctuary.
- In it Moses placed the two tables of stone containing the ten commandments.
- Called also the Ark of the Covenant.
- The large, chestlike vessel in which Noah and his family were preserved during the Deluge.
- Hence: Any place of refuge.
- You must have come out of the ark, or you were born in the ark, because you are so old-fashioned, and ignorant of current events.
- Bitki türü
- Kana.
- Kenevir bitkisine ait yada kenevirle alakalı