bowler hat ne demek?
- Melon şapka
- Yuvarlak ve bombeli (şapka)
The juicy fruit of certain cucurbitaceous plants, as the muskmelon, watermelon, and citron melon; also, the plant that produces the fruit.
There are three kinds of melons Small melons with ridged skin, such as the charentais, more common in Europe; and those with a meshed rind, such as cantaloupe; and those with a smooth rind, like the honeydew Keys to ripeness: First smell it; an appetizing smell is a good sign Next, shake it; loose seeds are a decent indication of ripeness Finally, squeeze the ends, especially the one opposite the stem; it should be fairly tender, almost soft.
Family of fruits All have a thick, hard, inedible rind, sweet meat, and lots of seeds Common examples: watermelon, cantaloupe.
Large fruit of trailing plants, having a hard rind and juicy flesh as well as seeds in the middle Different varieties include the Cantaloupe and the Honeydew.
Large, ornamental, marine, univalve shell of the genus Melo.
Any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers.
Head As in, 'Use your melon!'.
Any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh.
Any of various fruit of cucurbitaceous vines including: muskmelons; watermelons; cantaloupes; cucumbers.
- Bowling oyununda topu atan kimse
- Top atan oyuncu
- Kavisli bir şekilde dışa doğru bükülen bacak
- Çarpık bacak
- Bkz. genu varum
- Çizgi.
- Yazı.
- Ulaşım sağlayan bir taşıtın uğradığı yerlerin bütünü, yol, geçek.
- Elektrik akımı taşıyan tel veya kablo sistemi
- Telefon, telgraf, televizyon vb. araçlarla iletişim sağlayan yol, kanal.
- Sınır
- Yüzü biçimlendiren çizgi veya kırışıklık
- Vücut biçimi.
- Bk. yazı
- Çizgi
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
bowlerbowlegbowleggedbowley analizibowley çözümlemesibowlbowl alongbowl classifierbowl for baptismal waterbowl overbowbow and arrowbow and scrapebow bellsbow compasshathat amplifikatörühat aygıtı erişimihat bekçisihat blok anestezihat bulucuhat çekmekhat çizen aletle çizmekhat değiştirmehat değiştirmekhaha ... ha ...ha aretzha babamha babam de babam