av ne demek?
- Karada, denizde, gölde veya akarsularda evcil olmayan hayvanları vurma veya yakalama işi.
- Bir hayvanın bir başka hayvanı yemek için yakalaması.
- Bu yollarla yakalanan hayvan.
- Tuzağa düşürülen, kendisinden yararlanılan kimse.
- Avcı tarafından avlanan hayvan.
- Belirli bir metot ve av aracı kullanılarak elde edilen su ürünü.
Short for 'array value', which refers to one of Perl's internal data types An AV is a kind of SV.
Audio-Visual AV Macintosh models have video-capture hardware and have sophisticated sound recording capabilities.
Abbreviation of aperture value Used on some camera information displays as a shortened way to refer to aperture settings.
Short for 'array value', which refers to one of Perl's internal data types that holds an array The AV type is a subclass of SV.
Refers to the aperture settings or aperture value.
Is an acronym for AntiVirus referring to a program to help protect your computer/PC from being infected.
Generic term used to deal with animation, audio and video.
Av is the fifth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.
Artificial Ventilation The mouth to mouth/nose component of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Added volume A subsequent part of a series or set already catalogued and in the library collection.
This indicates on the online catalogue under Shelfmark that the item is a recording of the work displayed It could be an LP record, a cassette, a compact disc or a videotape - but normally, if none of these is specified, then it is an LP record.
Abbreviation for Anti-Virus.
Analog Video.
Armoured Vehicle.
Attribute value.
Game hunting.
Acronym for audio visual An AV computer is capable of input and/or output of audio and video to and from external hardware, such as video cameras, VCRs, computer projection devices, and large screen monitors.
An abbreviation used to distinguish the antiviral research community from those who call themselves 'virus researchers' but who are primarily interested in writing and exchanging viral programs Also an abbreviation for antivirus software See also vx.
The code in the PAS used to specify a movable asset's current status as determined by physical inspection or report by the Department Property Officer, as follows: U - Property that is in use within the control of the noted department A - Property that is not currently in use but available for use within the noted department N - Property that is not usable in its present condition S - Excess or Surplus property.
Month in the Jewish calendar; the 9th of Av is a day of mourning for the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 587 B C E and again in 70.
Authorized Version The Authorized Version, also known as the King James Version, is the original form of the Word of God All subsequent paraphrases, while easier to read, are merely the word of man.
Authorized Version.
The eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar.
- Authorized Version.
- Average, avoirdupois.
av ağaları
- Avlanmaya çıkan padişahın yanında bulunup kendisine yardım eden ağalar: atmacacıbaşı, çakırcıbaşı, şahincibaşı.
av alanı bekçisi